Wednesday, November 21, 2018

From the lady's tees?

It is said “Time flies when you are having fun!” so I must be having the time of my life.  It seems impossible that it is now over three months since the completion of my radiation treatments. However, surely it is as I just recently had my three month follow-up scan and exams.

The follow-ups with both the oncologist and Provision went well as their reports returned with what we had prayed. My CT scan and blood work came back as being well within normal ranges.  Due to stopping the hormone treatments in August my PSA had risen to very slightly above zero. This however was not a concern as it was expected.

I have not said anything about the hormone treatment but in short, it was the worst part of this whole ordeal.  When meeting with the oncologist prior to starting the shots he went through a lengthy explanation of the expected side effects.  As he finished I told him all my questions were answered but two. The first from my sister, “Was my beard going to fall out?”  He assured that he had never seen that happen.  My second question was really for my brother’s benefit, “Would these shots qualify me to hit from the lady’s tees when we played golf?” I could tell from the look on his face and his laughter that was a question which he had never heard.  In fact he did admit he had never been asked that, but if I wanted he could write me a note on his prescription pad.  All I have to say about it is that hot flashes are no longer something I laugh at, nor are night sweats, nor all the other side effects of having no testosterone.  (In case you are wondering, my brother said he didn’t care from which tees I hit because he was going to hit from the same ones… and the lady’s sounded just fine!)

I pray that wherever you are in your journey through life that you can join me as I sing with the Psalmist:

Psalm 30
11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
   You have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness,
12 that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent,
   O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever! (ESV)

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