Monday, September 17, 2018

Where has the time gone?

Has it really been over six weeks since I completed proton therapy?  After rushing to treatment five days a week for eight weeks I have likened  the past month to the feeling of driving 80 mph on the interstate then exiting only to find myself behind a tractor going 8 mph.

The last day of treatment is a very emotional time. With family and newly made friends there is a presentation of a "diploma"  and you are then given time to say whatever you wish.  This is followed by ringing "the bell" three times.  It is truly a time of celebration and after seeing others reach their final day one's anticipation mounts as it approaches.

Some people were happy to to simply say thank you; others talked, and talked, and talked.  My day was unique in that there were two of us finishing.  The fellow who "graduated" the same day as I had his ceremony first.  He was one of the talkers with pages of prepared remarks.  Once he had said all he had to say Lynette leaned over to me and asked, "You're not talking that long are you?"  I don't think I did but I'll leave that opinion to be made by others.